Monday, February 6, 2017

Hobby Lady to the Rescue!

Now that the Super Bowl is over and Football is DEAD TO ME!! (Wooo Saaaa).  It’s time to get back to blogging. 

I haven’t been traveling nearly enough and its affecting my attitude, just ask the poor folks who have to live with me.  Climate change is helping because in between the cold days of winter, spring happens.  Though clearly that’s temporary pleasure for long term destruction.  So, can’t count that as a win.

I decided to commit to a week of fun with Hubby last week.  Every day, we would do at least one thing fun!  On day one we played color Sudoku.  On days two through seven we forgot. 

I did book massages for us last week (oh yeah!).  Then the kid got a big ol’ ear infection and was home from school for 3 days.  So I had to cancel the massages and stay in a germ filled home with my adorable kid who transformed into the wicked witch of the west.

As previously mentioned, football is DEAD TO ME! So you know how my Super Bowl fun went.  Though to be fair, we had a great time until the end.

I gave up swimming, pottery, dancing and any rigorous exercise for at least a month.  I’m only allowed to do 30 minute walks a few times a week.  It’s my self-imposed healing plan, because nothing and no-one has been able to fix my hip and groin injuries.  So far this plan is working, but it meant cutting out activities I love.

So how in these trying times is a girl supposed to enjoy life?  Well I’m all about figuring it out. 

For starters, I’m forcing myself to write this blog post.  I’ve been avoiding it for months because I like sharing upbeat, helpful information.  But If I’m committed to writing it, then I’m also forced to be on the look-out for fun, engaging and important things.

Secondly, I spent the last several years acquiring hobbies for just this reason.   I knew that I wouldn’t always be able to rely on travel as my #1 hobby.  So I tried and bunch of stuff and what stuck was:

  • Knitting – I’m currently working on a huge poncho, which will be beautiful when I finish it in a couple of years J
  • Cooking – I’d gotten carried away with complex recipes which required too much time on my feet, which is bad for my hip.  So I’ve stopped avoiding the Instant Pot and now I have an endless supply of simple, tasty and quick dinner recipes. And I’d never have heard of the pot, had it not been for my recipe swapping friends in our local cooking club.
  • Reading – A few years back I started a book club with a few friends.  It gives me a reason to always be reading.  And since book club is not really about the books, its gives me a date once a month where I’m guaranteed to a great girls night!
  • Girls Date – I started a weekly date with Duckie a few years ago.  Most times this date lands us at Starbucks, or the library or both.  Her busy swim schedule was getting in the way this year.  But we’ve recommitted.  It’s a great time for me to get to know her and allow her the opportunity to get to know me (seems she’s got a few questions).  Most of all it’s guaranteed to dissolve into a giggle-fest at least once per date.

I didn’t get these hobbies overnight.  I really extended myself outside my comfort zone socially and creatively for several years.  So if you are thinking of trying something new, I encourage you not only to try it, but to try it several times before deciding if it’s for you or not.  Sometimes overcoming the challenge is the most rewarding.  Other times, you end up with nice dust collectors (like my guitar).  But as your mom probably said, “you’ll never know, unless you try.”

So that (and planning spring break ;-) are my attempts at beating the winter blues.  What are you doing?

That poncho isn’t going to knit itself and my accountant won’t file my taxes based on empty spreadsheets, so I’ve got to go … Talk Soon